Quote Originally Posted by xlArtemislx View Post
Hello Arlorians!!

I know how everyone loves the aura of para gems and other vanities that give out auras but seeing other threads suggesting the return of para gems, i was induced to write about my thoughts about some new updates in a nutshell.
I say that we could have a new type of gem called vanity gems that can either have their own new slot or can be slotted into vanities.
This in turn removes the counter argument that the stats from para like gems would disbalance the game. If they can only be slotted in vanities they don't need to add any stats but can be used by those that would love to spend a little extra to look a bit more shiny .
I love how bright para is and i think we could have it in other colours too.
They can be introduced in coming events as rewards or if STS chooses to give us some joy, give them out for a small fee, so that everyone can feel happy by looking good affordably.
This would further attract more players and they would like to come back and not leave this game altogether.
Please consider this devs as I wish this game to become more popular.

Thank you,
Not a bad "thought"........ "Slottable aura jewels"..........

Quote Originally Posted by Azerothraven View Post
If it’s Intended for new players then it would not be used much or everyone would use it which in turn would reduce the performance = loss of players.

Keep it for the rich so the poor has something to aspire to while keeping the game balanced.
There is plenty of effects in the game so work for those.
I think the point you are trying to make is good.........

Quote Originally Posted by thekragle View Post
I like the idea of a aura jewel that can be slotted to provide a specific type of aura! HOWEVER, I think they should be very rare. It should be something that requires work or a lot of gold/plat/luck to obtain.

Because if everyone drove a Ferrari, no one would wish they owned a Ferrari.

To add my additional "thoughts" to OP, it "think" it would be good for them to be slotted in "non vanity" gear, just like the rest of the jewels to put individuals in a position to decide if they want to sacrifice a slot from being slotted with a stat increasing jewel to instead use it for an aura jewel because creating slots for each vanity piece will give too many slots available for a single aura jewel...... Just my "thought/response" to the OP's thread.............. Just a "thought".....................