Quote Originally Posted by doomdoomdoom View Post
I would love it if when I forge an item, it displayed the New Forge options that I rolled that time and the Old Forge options which are what I had before that forge. Then I could select to either keep my old forge bonuses or accept the new forge bonuses.

I would be willing to forge more than I do now, if I knew that my stats wouldn’t get worse than what I already have. I am not asking that we can select each individual bonus (would be nice but I think more complicated to implement). Just asking that we get to accept the new bonuses that came up that roll or we can select to keep what we had before.
1) Yeah the "improvement" needed in forge system. There need to be an option to save/lock the current forged stats.

Because if we click forge by mistake by choosing already forged item(which has best stats). That item stats will get changed and indeed worse stats again. We cannot able to retrieve our old stats.

If there is option lock/save the forged stats. Even though we tried to forge but didn't get better than existing stats. We can keep old stats as it is.

2) Also we need option to "clear/delete all" in the individual players' inventory items - category wise.

Most of the time is getting wasted in clearing the inventory junks items. That in turn make most of the players can not contribute to their full potential on the weekend events.
Eg: Delete all - white items (common)
Delete all - green item ( uncommon/rare)