IMO pvp needs more positive reinforcement...
There are some more experienced players out there and more of the new players, i've seen many cases where the more "experienced players" say things like: Aw u suck, fail noob, get lost, delete ur character, etc.

By "some" of us doing this i think it kinda makes pvping an unfriendly environment which also lowers others will to pvp. All of us who pvp have experienced a time when you were "new", we should say things that show encouragement and not flame them about their lack of skill.

I really hate it when people boast about their kills when they have 8k kills and 10k deaths, they think it gives them the right to go around telling new pvpers things like: LOL, u noob only got 57 kills.

Im not going to name people, but if are one of the people doing this, think of the others your scaring away.

Just my opinion.
That is all.