Quote Originally Posted by jaythebest View Post
How about bringing back arbiters helmet! We all agree that the commando arbiter helmet is probably the most badass item in SL! I'd like it if you recolored that into maybe golden color or even just bring it back as normal in an event ..I'd love that it is the only thing I want in sl so badly. It goes perfectly with so many other vanities ... I'd love it if you bring it back.

Back me up on this peeps ik y'all want this to happen!

@aggregor I challenge u to recolor the arbiters helmet!
sorry but no, or bring back the 10x cap limit so you can earn it also. It took ALOT of time to earn those, but if you earn it I don't mind.
this means leveling anywhere is disabled, and you have to go to the hardest levels to level.

Or you can buy it from another player ingame...im sure if the trade is worth it it can happen XD