It's not just rogues who leave sometimes in random I have seen tanks and mages leave after comparing stats. Seems to me everyone is selfish. If u know "qua" he is a mage who was complaining about not getting a pt by rogues but when I did he came and then left saying that he wanted us to have 6-9k dps otherwise he won't play. Imo everyone wants quick gold and rich people are arrogant we just have to keep up with it. Now if u r a tank it's quite complex indeed. U shud try to aim to join a rogue pt with a slot but just my advice 5k dps is good enough for rogues don't be selfish like qua and try to make friends with them. I have been in many rogue pts where we invited a warrior for heal when going to head and it's useful. So invite sensible friends that wud be glad to have u.
Ign: sometacoz