Quote Originally Posted by MageFFA View Post
Never before would I ever thought about making this post but it's something that needs to be done. Paladin, as a class is at a point where it faces total and complete destruction thanks to players who choose to not change or adapt to new playstyles. Instead these players choose to go on forum with posts calling for a nerf on a class they never used let alone tried to figure away to counter. I've fought against every single ignorant argument they made but in the end the inevitable happened, rhino gets nerfed not once but twice. Since Class balancing is so one-sided I decided to make a post on what StS needs to do, keep rhinos weak.

There is no other way of stopping another Nerf so the best I can do is ask StS to make it sure that Rhinos cannot compete on a equal level such as bears, mages, and birds. A reduction in Hit% and Armor Value is the best StS can do to make rhinos as "fair" as possible for these said players. Since a new Cap is coming this February I think Cinco should take this into consideration. Failure to do so will result into more absurd posts by people looking to destroy rhino, which they will achieve. After the many posts there will be a nerf, one that will kill off the Paladin class similar to what happened to birds, and nobody will be able to stop it.

Sincerely Goaheadandtry.
Are you specifically talking about str rhinos or dagger rhinos? Str rhinos can be beaten by a staff mage or even a bow/talon bird depending on procs. Now all of a sudden you ask for a nerf to rhino when everyone made a rhino to play like a noob in pvp with dagger? Mage a mage and buy a staff, learn to kite and its fixed easily. Though the only thing rhino would need nerfed for this specific cap COULD be the takiness of the rhino.

Ive said it before and i seemingly have to say it again.
The rhino only became OP after 100 cap came. This being due to all the buffs being eligable to be maxed out because of +15 skill points. That meant rhinos no longer had to compensate for either loss of dodge by putting more damage, loss of armor by putting more dodge, loss of damage by putting more dodge/armor. They can max out all their buffs and damage skills and not have to worry about compensating at all.