Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Wallace View Post
I'm a bit late, but thank you for posting this guide. :-) I really like it and I'm glad I could help you a bit.

I'm gonna try some things from the str section, I have to admit i never paid much attention the str gear...

Btw I switched to Customized (recurve and talon) and after some runs I wonder how I could play without.. :-)
Awesome, let us know

Quote Originally Posted by Oewaden View Post
I know this isn't necessarily a "dual spec" thread, but I just thought I would throw this out there. Ever since I've started playing I've always played the tank roll and thought/assumed that primarily putting most points in to STR was the way to go (some in to DEX), and then use gear to fill in holes in your stats. I assumed bears were for tanking and that's that. After reading a few of the guides and helpful threads you both have posted, I decided to bite the bullet and give dual spec a shot.

I've got to say, I love it! Not just from a tanking aspect (more hit), but I really like that I can join a group and if there is already a tank there, I can switch over to a bow and deal pretty dang good damage. Regarding gear, I don't have enough for a set yet, I'm using a raid roach helm, scarab bow (also have henchman's), and bagman's chest, but it works great for me for now! As far as tanking gear, kinda the same thing, I've got a sewer helm, but still basic tanking gear for the rest. Drops haven't been very nice to me, and I have a tough time wanting to pay the price for some of the gear in the CS, lol.

Sorry if it's a bit off topic, but thanks to both of you for all of your helpful information, it is very much appreciated! Definitely made the game more fun approaching it from a different angle!
You're very welcome!

Quote Originally Posted by JaytB View Post
The main reason I got it was because I'm kind of a 'set-nut'. I just have to have all possible sets in game I guess But when I started to play with it, it was the dmg this set does that I liked. I liked the way you're able to deal considerably more dmg while not sacrificing all that much of your tanking ability. I thought about dual spec too, but if I want to be able to deal the max amount of dmg, I just switch to my bird

I also use royal sewer/fury for max dodge, in some situations (roundups and Looting-Vyx mainly). But generally, it's like Elly said already, you can tank almost as effectively with fortified, but with a nice increase in dmg-dealing. I'm talking purely pve here by the way.

On a side note, I really like this gear for a pally too (I respec from time to time), as your spell dmg suffers waaaaay less as compared to fury.
The fortified set, in PvP at least, somehow calls for a slightly different playing style too.

It's almost like a dex bear but in melee gear. Not as tanky without the dodge, but really high armour and HS to compensate, so it's mostly kiting to make use of that awesome HS, and just unleashing a (hopefully) crit loaded combo to kill.