Quote Originally Posted by Idly View Post
You said you could almost guarantee 80% I call bs sir. If I had to guess id say <1% quit because their are free plat offers in game.

It would be nice if there were more farmable items for sure, but there are some farmable items. If everything was easy to farm it would be worthless, and there are many hardcore farmers so it would be worthless very fast. Imo you'd kill farming and then everyone would just cry for more rare items.

Regarding your personal wealth and unwillingness to spend it, I don't really care. Anyone can play billy big balls online so meh. Thankyou and goodbye.
And another thing, I played the game for probably 8 months and I can guarantee I have more arcane weapons, amulets, and everything else that arcane then you, and I can guarantee i have more arcane and heroic eggs then you, I can guarantee I have more precise jewels then you, I can guarentee I have more collections of set items then you, and everyone is filled with a precise jewel.. you know how I got that??? MONEY.. how long have you been playing the game for??? How does it feel to know I haven't even been playing the game long and you only probably most likely have 10% of what I have, because 80% of the stuff I said, YOU CANT FARM!!! So try again with your "MR. Know it all" tough talk, like who are you anyways??? You irrelevant to me, the people that are relevant are the same people that think what I think, and it's not just 20 or 30 people, its wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more, you say "it would be nice if their were more farm able items", please tell me the last time you farmed something worth anything please, and then tell me how long it took you, and not with buying platinum and opening a chest with 15 platinum, when was the last time you played and got a drop worth bragging about??? I dont even know why I would respond back to you, my IQ probably just dropped down too 140 just from reading your reply.. so thank you for trying to rub off your stupidity on me

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