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Thread: I Guess This is Goodbye...

  1. #1
    Senior Member burntoutdex's Avatar
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    Default I Guess This is Goodbye...

    Sorry if this posted twice, i forgot it got really long and i was meant to edit it.

    The start of February will mark my 8th year playing this game. This game will forever be one of if not the most magical thing I will ever experience. This community will always be the most supportive and caring bunch of people I will ever meet. You guys are truly some of the most kind-hearted and caring people I know and I am fortunate to know that I can call a lot of you friends (if not family).

    Real-life has finally caught up to me and I no longer have the time nor desire to enter Alterra anymore – I think it’s finally lost its charm for me. I do not think the game is headed in a good direction right now (my reasons for that can be seen here,) and I no longer feel a desire to log in the way that I once used to.

    I do not regret any of the time I spent in Alterra, it truly felt more like time spent with friends and family than a videogame. That is truly something magical and something that I have never seen recreated in any other community.

    I wouldn’t have stuck around for 8 years without my amazing friends. I cannot thank you all enough for everything you’ve done for me over the years. It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know all of you and I do hope we can keep in contact with Skype or Discord (if you don’t already have it, PM me).

    There are hundreds of you I could mention, but I’d just like to give an extra thanks to those of you who made my time spent in Alterra truly worth it (this got a little long):

    I still find it funny that someone I met in a video-game when I was 11 can turn into one of my best friends in real life. Thanks for everything <3

    I know you may never see this, but to this day you are truly one of the best friends I will ever have and I am glad to say that we crossed paths. We had countless fun adventures and I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you. If you ever see this, please open skype, I miss you!

    I know you’re killing out there with your new job. Thanks for being there for me from day one. My toon army will always be superior ;) if you ever see this, pm me, we have a lot to catch up on :)

    If you ever see this, PM me, we haven’t spoken in awhile and I miss you. You’re one of the most caring, kind-hearted and sweet souls I’ve ever met and I hope the world never takes that away from you. Thanks for helping me through some pretty rough times

    It’s a pity we lost contact. you’ll always be one of the best friends I’ve ever had. Thanks for being you.

    If you see this, PM me, we have lots to catch up on! Thanks for being a genuine person. I’m glad I got to call you a friend.

    You’re the greatest! Thanks for being an inspiration in this community, we owe a lot to you. If you ever read this, PM me, we haven’t spoken in awhile.

    Feels like I’ve known you since day one. You’ve helped me through some pretty rough times, thanks for being a great friend. *insert bear laugh emote ;)*

    I know you may never see this, but you’ve been there for me for years. I hope wherever you are these days is treating you the way you deserve. Thank you for everything. If you see this, pm me, we have a lot to catch up on :)

    Can’t believe we’ve known each other for 8 years. What I would give to go back to 2012 one last time ;) thank you for everything, I owe you the world. If you ever visit Australia like you said you might, please hit me up.

    I lost your number, text me! Thanks for being there for me over the years, hope life is treating you well – I hope we can meet up sometime :)

    We haven’t really spoken since the 85 cap, but I’m sure you’re killing it out there with your business. I cannot thank you enough for everything you did for me over the years, I credit a lot of who I am today as thanks to you. If you see this, pm me!

    Ever since I was a forum lurk back in the day I always admired your hardwork and dedication to this community – I am glad to now call you a friend. It’s unfortunate we only got to know each other recently. I’ve loved every minute that we have stayed up talking or playing games. I know we’ll keep in contact and I am looking forward to hearing about how you go in law school ;) thank you for everything you’ve done both for me and this community. Please never stop being you.

    You’re such a genuine and kind-hearted person. I’m glad we’re now friends. It’s unfortunate we got to know each other so late in the piece. Thank you for constantly letting me rant, you helped me through some rough times and I cannot thank you enough.

    bes51birb. We’ve had some fun times. You’re such a genuine person and I hope the world never takes that away from you, thanks for everything.

    Thanks for all the fun over the years. I owe a lot of my love for PvP to you. thanks for being a great person!

    You never fail to make me laug and for that, I will always be grateful. Thanks for being such a genuine person and for being there for me. Thank you for everything. I know we’ll keep in contact over discord ;)

    We only really got to know each other recently. Thanks for the fun times in the voice chat (and for making fun of my accent :p). I know we’ll keep in contact, thanks for being you.

    Despite only really talking to you in the last 6months or so, it feels like I’ve known you forever. I know we’ll keep in contact, thanks for being such a great friend, it means the world to me :)

    It’s a pity we only just started talking. Thanks for always being there for me when I needed to rant. I know you’ll smash it in college this year. If you ever need help just message me, we take the same course ;)

    Besfox. Thanks for always being there for me and for being such a kind person, I hope the world never takes that away from you. Please message me some time, we haven’t spoken in quite awhile :(

    Your dedication to the community and your friends is admirable, sir. I hope we keep in contact. I know you’ll be the first one I message when Taco Legends is released ;)

    I know we only started talking recently, but your dedication to this community over the years has truly been an inspiration. I know you’re kicking *** out there! if you ever need me just pm me!

    I don’t know you all too well, but your humour both in game and on the forums has always been one of the best parts of my day. Thanks for being you.

    You’re the best, truly. Thanks for always being there for me when I pm’d you, the offer is obviously there for you also. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you, I owe you the world. Pm me some time, we have lots to catch up on :)

    Your presence both on forums and in game was the best. You’ve always been there for me, and for that I cannot thank you enough. Thanks for getting me lowkey hooked on brawl stars ;)

    Besbehr. Thanks for being a genuine person and for being there for me when I needed inspiration. I hope life treats you the way it should!

    The Happiness:
    You’re perhaps the kindest and sweetest person I have ever met. I’ve loved the few times we have spoken in-game and it’s unfortunate I never really got to know you much better than that. I hope life post-PL is treating you as well as you deserve!

    Your dedication to this community is admirable. Thanks for the confidence boosts leading up to my exams, I couldn’t have done it without you!]

    This community is the best and I have made many memories that I know I’ll cherish forever thanks to my time spent here.

    gg’s <3
    Last edited by burntoutdex; 01-27-2019 at 06:06 AM.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to burntoutdex For This Useful Post:

  3. #2
    Senior Member Communion's Avatar
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    Your dedication to this community is admirable. Thanks for your service

  4. #3
    Senior Member Fwend's Avatar
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    Cam it is sad Pocket Legends is loosing such a dedicated player.

    You have certainly shown your passion for pvp and improving the game for the better. Your last thread on PL forums truly shows how much you care and you wanted to make a difference.

    You have a bright future ahead of you, finish University, embrace the experience. Knowing you, you will have an impact on people there too.

    I do hope you drop by PL when you are on study holidays and just say hello to friends, perhaps even try an event or two. Take care Cam.

    I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
    -Helen Keller

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  6. #4
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    Cam I dont think you realize how much im gonna miss you dude. Wether you were trying to help me find some dope hiding spots for the upcoming tcg hide and seek event.. I mean WHAT!! Anyways. You are such a nice and dedicated player and all you ever wanted to do was make this game, and community closer as one.

    Seeing you go is like losing a family member dude. I remember when we used to always beef at 27 when youd kite me on alchemies lol.. total bully. Im gonna miss you so much cam. Please pop in some times if you ever have time. You will be missed dearly

    Your Pal..

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