THis sounds great in theory but unless you play rogue endgame as your main for at least 6 months or more you won't understand the struggle.

Rogue awaken like 4% dex is valued 10x by rogue then 4% Int by mages. We are forced to pay 10x more despite how much spent for awaken. Because of this more gold is spent on rogue gears than mages. For us every stats count but a majority of mages only care about awaken as long as it has 100gl or more
For us, we want 100gl and op stats otherwise we don't get invited to good party.

This is excluding the fact that these items are in high demand and already highly competitive.

The unfair part is sts making drop rate same based on mages and warriors when there is more rogue. They should adjust drop rate so it's scaled to population (class) rather than a flat rate which benefits mages and wars more. ( this is an assumption based on drop rates from the past)

And let's not forget these weapone aren't even that great compared to other classes as suggested by OP.

Please STOP acting like you know everything, it's annoying.