Balance can be easily achieved and yet noone has come up with it.

Take rogues and their main traits:
Crit, Dodge, Armor - the rest is fairly meaningless for the purpose of this example.

Rogues also get additional crit on skill, and dodge on skill.

To balance mages:
1. Give mages inner shield that would work exactly the same as dodge in rogue class.
2. Give mages additial crit on lighting strike
3. Fireball and clock can only dmg up to 3 enemies (like rogues shadow). This will balance pve mob kills, and crit on strike will balance boss kills.
4. Increase armor and hp to rogue's lvl.

Cannot recommend any changes to worriors. Don't play that class. I guess they deserve crit on skill. So, drop their armor, hp, and give them dodge.

The only diff between all classes should be their equipment, pets and awakes. If you have better all above than some other bloke you should do better in both pve and pvp.

There should be no place in this game to have an advantage solely by the class that you have decided to play.

I'm a mage with 5.5k dmg, 58 crit, 9k hp and 5.8k armor and for me to pvp decent rogues in pvp I need 25+30dmg elix + power elix + 15+25 dmg reduction. With all the above I have 7k dmg, 63 crit, approx 6+k armor.

With all the buffs available I get one shot ted by aim skill (it's just a click of a button). To take the rogue down I need to charge the shield, pray for a crit on strike, pray to be alive long enough to do the combo and then just maybe.

There is little chance if any at all that I would manage to kill Ago with his stats above.

I find it discriminatory that a certain class can run events easier than others allowing it for more boss drops and thus higher chances to loot desirable items.