Quote Originally Posted by PostNoob View Post
There is little to no reason to debate over the fact of these auras being different. That is just players wanting something different. This arua change will do zero to enhance gameplay. Its not a quality of life update.
No one is complaining about the gameplay...... It's actually been pretty fun thus far, thus making this "more" of a quality of life issue........... If you pay closer attention to the posts, you'd see that it's been mentioned that there is not even a desire for the aura.... Some would prefer no aura instead of hearts..... Basically, if we have no choice but to have a heart aura, it would be good if the LV.66 and LV.77 sets had "different" color hearts.........

I personally got the set "just cause", in actuality, I'd be good with my legendary stuff.... Which is why I'm not ranting about the stats... I knew the stats and procs before investing....... Basically, I'm just participating to get a set with slightly better stats that has a bow that I "prefer" the "Duskbringer" over, due to it's multi-fire attribute......