Well for the guildies helping part it highly depends where u at and what help you're asking for. Truth is an avg guildie is just a random who had to have some requierments to be in guild so ud rather invite them than a random in town to have a more smooth run. U can also sell and buy stuff also depending on your guild, ussually guilds have discounts. It serves the reason why they were made imo.

The contribution to a guild is mostly towards leaderboards, which dosent benefit anybody personally. U cant give rewards based on lb either coz ppl will join a day before season reset.

Giving the guild levels would also mean there would be a big shift whenever a guild reaches a high level, and then ud have mass recruiting etc..

Its quite hard to do something that can just be abused, even if u start from nothing when u join a new guild i mean u can leave an alt there or something.

Maybe if there was aps that requier u to finsh maps with guildies for some pet/vanity/title it would be fine. ( i think these aps should give 0 points btw)

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