I wasn't annoyed of his spamming, I was annoyed that he got pissed when I said nty and left trade...then he kept saying I was an A hole and I should go die...then he told me to shove my voodoo up Bum which btw is actually a lvl 20 purple Halloween doll -.- not voodoo....then when I told him he's pissed me off and that ima put on forums he harassed me more....now that he's seen this post he wants me to remove (hence the spamming) he keeps pming me can you remove etc etc... 1 second later same thing same thing over and over for 1 whole hour, then I told him to please stop spamming and his reply was : I thought you were lagging so I kept replying.... I WAS SWITCHING TOWNS TRYING TO AVOID HIM...how could that look like I was lagging, I was in no way shape or form looking like I was lagging -.- then he tried bribing me to take this thread down....including : il give you everything I have (shows same ao3 junk) I told him Im not taking thread down BECAUSE I CANT.... Then he said I'm spamming and that he's going to make a thread on forums reporting me.... I mean seriously..I'm not normally the pissed off kinda guy but he just pushed all my buttons....

And sorry for the loooooong comment -.- thought I should EXPLAIN everything before anyone else throws wild accusations at me when I clearly have not done anything wrong....