Quote Originally Posted by Shocan View Post
Did you just seriously say that mages and tanks are carried? XD Every class is equal overall just not in individual maps, but there r maps tanks shine in and maps mages shine in, rogues don't dominate at all, sure there are lots of them on there but that's because there are more rogues than anything else. Rogues can't match mage aoe in earlier maps, there are some early maps where 4 rogues would easily be beat by 3 mages 1 rogue or even 4 mages one with lots of dmg. Later maps tanks get to shine with their amazing ebon aegis and tb. Mid level maps are where rogues truly shine. But every class plays it's role in timed runs which is what makes them imo the most fun feature in the game, as every class is mostly balanced overall. Sorry if the first sentence sounded a little snarky, but your point there isn't true. At all
Each class has some situations where they shine a bit more than the others, that is common knowledge. But to say all classes are balanced overall (both PvE and PvP) and every class has its role in Timed Runs... just doesn't make sense.

Justg mentioned many times that classes were supposed to be balanced between each other, Mage>Tank>Rogue, like Rock-Paper-Scissors. Cinco now said that to make a balanced PvP fight we should use 2 same class characters with exact same gear. While he is correct in a way, it also means that in duels between different classes, STS doesn't care if Tanks have an advantage over both Rogues and Mages, or Mages not being able to beat Tanks or Rogues, just other weaker Mages, etc.