Quote Originally Posted by Remiem View Post
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

  • What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

  • What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

  • What would have made it easier to:
    - Connect with other people in game?
    - Level up and collect good gear?
    - Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

  • What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!

For me the biggest concern is PVP. For me, and many others, it is the most enjoyable, competitive aspect of the game. However with so many levels, players are so spread out to the point that it can be non-existent. My friends have had to create groups on 3rd party apps to organise to clash, compared to the early days when you could join a room and almost always find a full room.

My personal suggestion is to do something to encourage pvp either at one particular level, e.g. at cap, or remove levels from PVP, so that all levels spawn into the same rooms with limited PVP sets that are released. All I ask is that no stupid procs that take the skill from pvp are added