Quote Originally Posted by tahtto007 View Post
Haiz old pets will be dead and forgotten as times goes, i guess pocket legend will be too.
You say that like it isn't already forgotten by like 70% of the community that isn't here anymore. Maybe 5 years ago I would have been willing to go far & beyond to say how good PL was compare to current apps/games in the market, but now, its not even close to my top 10 anymore.

Take 5 minutes to shuffle through the app market & tell me how many apps you find like PL, I can name three off the top of my head that look nicer, play better & are monetized far better then PL ever was with both free options, like acutely working offer services that aren't straight up information harvesting sites, one of which disappeared after being investigated for fraud offers & has been banned from publishing there apps on apple AppStore (TapJoy) & nice as hell paid options that reward players heavily for opening there wallets with vip clubs/items/bonus currency & chat rooms with devs & mods of said game to talk about upcoming events & feedback with actual paying players. & what does PL offer it's players in comparison? Two data harvesting fraud/scam offer services with a sticker that reads (sorry guys we don't care how you get free plat anymore, we hope these work out for you cuz its not our problem anymore how you pay for our overpriced currency that demands you use it to have fun or make any large sum of gold while running areas unless your willing to open your wallet to play ) & whenever they feel like it plat sales that haven't changed even slightly from now to when I started the game 9 years ago.

The stagnate nature alone of PL is what killed it in the end like it did in the beginning & even when it did change things up like opening up what could be sold in market & gold cap rising, they took ten steps back by offering 100$ weapon packs & loot box's with paid keys but didn't take the time to updating plat packs or how much we get with said plat packs depending on how much we spend like EVER OTHER APP STORE GAME THAT OFFERS A IN GAME CURRENCY DOES NOWADAYS!!! Its like they wanna fail honestly, which sucks cuz I'd love to come back & play it again but not in its current state of just not giving a dam.

Hope that changes one day.