Quote Originally Posted by Hellex014 View Post
Hi, I'm a new player, could I be banned if my account is log in to my mobile.. and I will open it on laptop or other gadget? Could I might be banned if I transfer my gold in gears from my account ( character ) to my another account ( another character ). I need some answer coz I don't want to lose, and quit playing AL. I experience being banned but the is now good reason or explanation at least, we could understand why we were being banned.. thank for your reply.. MORE POWER AL.

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I play on loads of devices (iPad, phone, laptop) and never been banned for it. I've even moved away to another country and played on my devices while there and still fine so don't worry.

Gifting to another character on another account also won't get you banned - it's not breaking t&c to gift to another character which is why there's an interface for it.

I've heard of people getting accounts banned in the past but this was for example if they have a fake account receiving millions and millions of gold through "illegal" methods (against t&c) and feeding their main character with it.

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