Quote Originally Posted by will0 View Post
mage taunting mobs? Then what is warrior for? i dont think this is a viable solution...... each class has a role to play in AL and mage is not a tank in all RPG games.
Lifegiver already has taunt, having taunt does not make you a tank, it just enables you to get aggro, and thats what we need for the reflection proc.

I am not sure what MMO you play, but every mmo also has taunt enabled by default on tank class, in AL warriors dont have taunt enabled by default, instead here the aggro goes to the highest dps stat in the party. Using taunt in AL just overrides the highers dps untill the next shot from the highest dps.

I dont think the class roles matter in this game, if it did then devs would have designed gear and content keeping the roles in mind and I would expect the info of a class serving a specific role to be present at the character creation screen like any other RPG.