Quote Originally Posted by Stephnee View Post
i was playing on teams there were 3 of us on the blue team and 4 of them on the red team...i saw a red guy ran up to him and we "battled" and i killed him..thats when he said if you rush me again ill boot you...i didnt feel like it was rushing he could clearly see me unless he wasnt paying attention..its not like i ran up behind him or somthing...he was facing me
welcome to PVP! its a place of fun and a lot of hate. its normal there to be called a noob or to get some "f. y." when u win a fight.
just fight fair and not 2vs1 and be sure the other is ready for ur attack, then ur always fine. when someone rushes u, revenge with same..
try to learn from pro-pvp-mages and u will have fun! the beginning will be hard...