Quote Originally Posted by deadlystriker View Post
That is definitely a valid point Bella It’s a way of making the game more structured sis

This is of course a big feature to add to the game..

Other very useful fields should include Banned By, Banned Date and Reason Banned (such as, Inappropriate Language/Behavior, Trolling, Spamming, Scamming, Not Meeting Guild Requirements). Knowing who banned a user, when they were banned, for how long, and the reason why is all very good information for the management team.
An announcement should be sent to the guild when a player is banned, such as:
<Name> has been banned from the guild for <Ban Type> for <Reason Banned> by <Name>.
(.....has been banned from the guild forTrolling by ....)
Obviously, once banned, a user could not be invited by anyone to the guild, until such time as they were removed from the ban list.

Also add an option where Master can detailed post rules and all can see and ready in guild,not all have forum and its kinda hard Cinco..

Awesome ideas: BIG thumbs up for the idea broAnd there are many other amazing suggestions. I just hope STS can implement some of those. Hope we get some awesome enhancements Cheers!