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*COMMUNITY THREAD* not for devs.
There's always a norm that old pvp was so good and now pvp is skill less. That's the things currently going as well that myth pvp is skillless / RNG, Honor is only old school pvp etc etc.
But is it really true? So here I present the case study and facts about Mythic / honor & Old school pvp. Not very in depth what I like to do but still should be some good content and I'd love to see those guys here in this thread to put valuable points.
I'll start by some myths :
Myth : PvP now a days is totally RNG and totally dodge based.
Fact : Like PL pvp never had RNG factor? we had more RNG at places aka Miss factor then comes crit factor. We can agree about different purpose of different skills but our purpose here to talk about RNG only. Savage (66) bear had 80 + dodge if I remember properly then L77 mages would dodge upto 9 among 10 hits. Demm hardly rng was any topic back then yet there's a dodge cap in place currently.
If PL pvp is skillless now a days due to RNG factor then it never been skill based pvp.
Myth (one of the biggest and everyone promoting this one) : Honor pvp is like old school pvp and mythic pvp is few hits skillless pvp.
Let's talk about facts :
By honor I'm referring L100 pvp not elite neither any other level honor because that's what people plays. We call old school pvp since 51 till few more caps and anything below that is twink as it always has been.
Surprisingly if you take it like that, IT TAKES ALMOST SAME NUMBER OF SKILLS TO KILL one dex bird just like old school L51, L71, L61 etc lets say 66 phoenix birds would take bit less skills and actually dex birds never takes one full combo including cruel blast to kill another dex bird until late talon ages and which got most tanky at L100 talon pvp. (I'm taking birds here for an example) If someone wanna disagree, I can still link some of my old videos here to watch again. Similarly it takes similar number of skills to kill mages and even bears unless you take those 90+ dodge bears or high tanky bear phases but that's not classic pvp again.
So now tell me, which one is old school pvp? L100 talon pvp or L100 honor pvp where birds are even more tanky than L100 talon birds. If you say that, it better suits you that's okey but if you say that honor is old school pvp, then nope it's not it's way far from that.
Honor : Even dex birds are tanky as hell
Old school : Classic pvp, birds kills fast die fast being a nuke class
Mythical : Holds the norm of classic pvp
Honor : Weightage on bear is extremely huge in a 3v3 / 2v2
Old school : Bears always valuable but not un-killable when team is nearby like honor
Mythical : Still valuable for a team
Honor : Mages are as good as tank while ms on, MS timing is like everything die or tank.
Old school : Kite, nuke MS timing and heal everything has weightages.
Mythical : MS is bit less important than classic but kite nuke heal everything has weightages
Honor : One heal re-fill all of the team's HP
Old school : No thank you, classic mode doesn't let you decide the whole team is full or almost dead by a mage
Mythical : Support is almost as good as classic
Honor : Auto damage is negligible, negative stats upon debuff and blah blah (out of PL pvp)
Old school : *cough* what are those things
Mythical : Some debuffs plays less role yet auto hit damage and skill damage are comparable as classic
So instead of having such solid and basic differences how come honor can be comparable with classic pl pvp just because there's little bit less dodge? and having such huge similarities mythical being referred as like that? Time to change the perspective?
Morale of the story : If you could take Super tanky bears with 80-90+ dodge, if you could take super tanky pallies, if you could take L77 mages with a dodge chance of 9/10 and Phoenix birds era and still refer them as classic pvp, myth is way better ONLY exception that what I always says Rhinos /foxes broken/buggy.