I'd say the same considering I spent 27 hours straight to hit 110 when the cap first came out, but that's just how fast caps work, not meant to be achieved so easily. There were I believe 100+ people who hit 110 in the time allotted for the rewards. Now times are a bit different, and things have progressed much further so, at this point in time, it would make sense for players to have a bit of ease when it comes to leveling especially with 105-110. However, we've been given events that drop up to 5x xp multipliers and xp kits up to 20,000 which can definitely help as well.

Aside from this current event, which you don't even need to be level 110 to efficiently farm, there's a gap from now until the next event which I assume would be Easter, 15-20+ hours of leveling really isn't that bad considering what others have done in the past and how many people are willing to translate those hours back into farming events.

The game is definitely pushed for progression, being a max level with some gear makes life a lot easier with anything there's no question, but I feel like if orbs were buffed more, any player who has around 500-600 plat could cap a character in less than a day starting from level 1 seems a bit unorthodox doesn't it? Same would go for any other game I feel like.