would be great to add on a way to get more credits, another bank bot or something of the like. Credits are really hard to come by and as mentioned above, it's really hard for newer players to progress in the game's market given how the prices are so high on everything and farming for gold pretty much does nothing.

Add new color shirts! They're are plenty of vanity, mainly head vanity that has no matching shirt or legging counterpart. Such as some headphones, rabbit ears, big love and the like.

New custom sets would be really nice as well, and update the implant maker. Crafting has become pretty much useless and barely anyone crafts. Materials are just sitting around collecting dust. The platinum store could also use an update.

I do agree a daily login reward would be a good idea, gain a little bit of credits a day for logging in. Also, I feel the platinum to credit option in the shop desperately needs an update. 300 plat for 75,000 credits is such a ripoff. Maybe not in the older days when everything was much much cheaper, but now 75,000 credits is nothing when you consider how expensive everything in the market is.