Quote Originally Posted by Gluttony View Post
Not sure about another peripheral for the Wii, it'll all depend on how they utilize it. I read that it could act as the scope for shooting games, that sounds like it would get difficult. I like the Wii and all, but the way that the Wiimote is set up everything uses it as a power source. The classic controller, the guitars for guitar hero, even the gun. I know that you can buy stand alone versions, but I find that just having the controller sit there while I use the classic is a bit strange.

I did read something about being able to use it as a portable (within range of the unit), so that is neat, but some of the other ideas like having to use it to access you inventory could become trouble. Lol@the graphics are HD, does the Wii even have HD yet (Wii 2)? So you mean this thing has a better picture than the console itself? In the end I have my reservations about how awesome it will be, but I'll probably pick one up if I don't have to sell a kidney on the black market to afford one.
the wii u isnt just that controller with a screen on lol its a whole new console next gen did u see those zelda graphics