Quote Originally Posted by Gluttony View Post
Isn't E3 in Los Angeles CA? Also, isn't Austin TX central time zone +2 hours from pacific time zone? I'm sorry that you feel like the devs are not "playing fair" but they have lives and are keeping schedule with the event. Sorry that you have to adhere to their schedule for this event, but that's just how it's goign to be. Good luck on getting the buttons to be entered in the drawing.
Just checked, you're right. It's +2, not +1.
Quote Originally Posted by Mysticaldream View Post
Isn't is 12 PM dev time? They're in Austin, 3 hours ahead of california I believe. I could be wrong though.

Edit: Oops forgot about e3 hehe. Sry
Brooke (East coast) is +3 hours.