I think u got ripped off from buying that set.^^ XP
I think u got ripped off from buying that set.^^ XP
Current Active account: Okaberintarou and Xranmourix
Before u change try bs items!
Current Active account: Okaberintarou and Xranmourix
Lol you got ripped off...would you mind telling me the prices you bought the items for?
Proud Member of AEO (PL) and Sparkling Pwnies (SL)!
i f'n did get ripped off ill post my character and wat i did , it was smart idea ill post it XD
@beanmachine 205k for all
U were ripped....
Btw theres something called stash, In forest haven and balefort where you can transfer items through your own account. Also heres a rough estimate of what prices should be:
Mirage armor:80k-100k
Keeper staff:2-5k
The helmet thingy-10k
Should cost less than 120k...
Proud Member of AEO (PL) and Sparkling Pwnies (SL)!
for some reason, i see a bunch of keeper staffs that costed 100k today in cs!!!!!! 2 weeks ago, it costed 5k!!!! it seemed as if the prices skyroketed.....
meh, maybe it will change back to NORMAL price
Dude you should dual spec your int bird it's awesome
I like int bird, in fact it's my favorite build....or whatever. There's a disadvantage though, they are very weak...
Heh so I was int-bird since lv 1, and I can tell you they are not weak. Currently I am hybrid int/dex-bird, with armor of 137 and dps of 204 in combo with 36 crit. This is good enough to tank all stronghold rooms, as long as your h/s is 25. Many builds are possible, cause no sets exsist. A glow stick with 48 crit guarantees you all attention from any boss. No RR, FF or MM can get the attention (taunt like?) back once you start. So if you want an aggresive character going in first and killing bosses, be sute to join us (rare) int-birds.
I'm still tuning for pvp. This week I pvp-ed for the first time so I need some more experience. Right now my conclusion is that Str-based opponents are easily beatable. Custom RR is 40-60%. MM is still problem though.
Okay maybe they aren't that weak but they can be weak, unless you take your attribute points the right way. My advice? Well back when I had my level 53 I deleted him I wore my Mystery Helm and Armor, Laser Wand, and Unblinking Eye of Fate, not the best gear in the world, but it worked out by helping me stay alive
I actually like my int bird(55) better than my pure dex bird(56). Better armor base damage and comparable skill damage. But eh not for everyone.
I'm all for int bird because of high health/mana regen. Saves potions, saves the Alterran environment!
HERES a tip....
Dont always trust random peoplz on the interwebz!
I love my dex bird and i might spec later but i doubt it....
ShadowPlat OneMoreDay RegiLess & RegFree
My Guess: 177