Quote Originally Posted by Fearrr View Post
My experience Normal Rank Pvp Only after 10+ Matches: Terrible and Frustration. Only 1 match was there actually balanced Teams on both sides and it was a really good hard fought match. 3 Matches in a row I'm getting players with no Pvp Gear, No Speed Sets, Trash Pets v.s opposite team being stacked. I'm not trying to bash these player's because I understand Gear/ Pets are expensive...But isn't this the point of Honor Pvp and why everyone asked for it? Also these same player's are leaving Early to Mid Match just wasting people's Time/Rank. There really needs to be a heavy Rank Losss Penalty for people who leave matches.

@Cinco you said that if Rank Pvp is not popular there will be no Team Rank Que lol? If Rank Pvp becomes not popular it's because people are sick of these lopsided teams in Solo Rank Que. Rank Pvp is coming down to luck with who is getting the better player's on team. Team Rank Que really needs to be implemented. Other than what I stated Rank Pvp is not bad and a step in the right direction for the Pvp Community.
Noone has advanced out of the newbie bracket in non-honor pvp yet, so of course the matches aren't great. Presumably if you're a good pvper, you'll tend to help your teams win more often than not in the newbie ranks, until you're no longer matched with people that have not advanced.