Quote Originally Posted by MITSUISUN View Post
My Orc GW only has 11.15% crit
Rank11 Swift Strike is 3 sec CD
Rank 9 Pounding Glow is 30 sec CD
Rank 9 Charge is 15 sec CD
Rank 6 Ankle Slash is 15 sec CD
Rank 1 Shield Slap is 20 sec CD
OK, that makes me feel better about the Assassin. Current top skill is dagger stab crit after a stun, and that crits for 1250 now, should be able to get it up near 2000 at 60. Thought warrior had skills that hit like that, but the dagger stab has a 1 second cool down, so can use it a lot more. Was worried there was no 'upside' to the fact that we can't take damage at all.