Quote Originally Posted by Titanium View Post
Hello everybody,

I wanna say a big thank you STS for giving us this big chance to compete with each other using equal gear.

But there might be something which i was thinking off there's a lot of trolling and acussation going around in this mode.

For example there are some people who are not playing along with other people due to the past experience "i don't play with this nub" and they go afk or avoiding the battle only to make the team mates to lose the game cause they are so-called "nubs".

There's another thing which comes with this: Spawning the players in City of Windomoore which now it's known as City of Swearmore.

I used to PvP back at level 41,46 cap and i can tell you how stressful it was for everybody the accusation, the trolling and the rest of it.

This type of thing can mess up your real life and it's also called "bullying". There's no way that this type of behaviour to be censored due to reporting.

In any case I was thinking if there is any chance for the names in Honor ranked to be hidden with the class type as: Red Rogue, Blue Rogue, Red Mage, Blue Mage, Red Warrior, Blue Warrior.

It will avoid a lot of discussion, a lot of drama, a lot off everything as a matter of fact.

In regards of spawning, please spawn everybody in their guildhall or to any City map chosen randomly for everybody.

Thank you!
Shut up and grow up its apart of the game cant stand these sour pusses being upset over an in game argument

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