Quote Originally Posted by Overbear View Post
Bro the pvp tournaments were gold... So much fun. I wish they would do stuff like that again. I don't know how I feel about bringing back old vanities, but there would be ups and downs. They seem to be getting rarer and rarer nowadays.
The PvP tournament were gold cus PvP used to be fun n thrilling at the same time + so many active pvp players, many newcomers, many new PvP guilds coming to compete, but PvP is pretty dead rn. Ik these cus i pvped for years in l26-28 by ign hovenrock from decimation/judgement day and I can't forget those moments even up til now I'm still in the guilds line group lmao but like 80% of em quit or moved to pve after sts ruined pvp w op gears.

What I mean by dead is its just the same op n rich players fighting over n over again, no new comers, no new guilds w newcomers comin to compete, Basically no room to expand the PvP community.

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