Quote Originally Posted by Mitsooos View Post
I use skrach staff for 8 hours (with my skrach gun) and then I sell it back. For me skrach gun is better and very cheaper.
Something going on with it and nobody speak about it .
With scratch staff you do less auto attack from gun, if you to close sometimes you die, if you not all ready 7-8k damage, you see little hit numbers 3k 4k And only wait to proc.
The staff is good maybe if you want to play solo runs. But the game is multiplayer.
Best ebon armor + skrach gun+ valley set for vardan valley, mireguard items +ebon armor for festerfang.
Buy multiple mir items for any need and switch them.
Let the other super op kill all mobs in map , and you focus in boss killing.
This days I see all strong (specially warriors) go front and kill all mobs.(let them kill all) The best mob weapon and always free.
About the 2 arcane weapon proc: the time you spend to proc the staff, you wasting to wait proc the gun .
Is like bad joke: after spending so much to buy the staff, you go to boss and see ,you don’t do so much damage if not proc.
Then you ask a friend about it, and he tells you: ooooh you need the gun too
If you have 50m don’t spend to 1 staff weapon, spend in ebon armor + other items.
If you super rich you can be anything , but if you not rich put priorities.
Lol that's really against the current, its have opened my mind!
It makes total sense.

Instead going for skratch staff before anything else I may get Ebon Armor and Skratch Gun, as you said. Since I ain't a rich player.