Quote Originally Posted by Redjellydonut View Post
Lol u wanna know what happening right now? So aloooot of people have gold from the party crasher event (dummies that were sitting in those top houses) and are literally buying everything and relisting in auction for ridiculous prices. Little do alot of them know not alot of people are not gonna buy and they are wasting their gold on high af listing tax. But also there are those who are willing to throw gold at u just to get their item. Just give it a couple month and the inflation will chill a bit. What u wanna do is hold a while and not but anything too expensive because people are item hungry right now because their pockets have gold now.

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The most constructive comment/explanation so far in my opinion. Agreed with you to not buy many expensive items, especially the hyper-inflated combo with price-manipulated items like rare vanities and LB vanities. More selling will indeed push prices down.

My question is how do you deal with hoarders of items you want/need to buy then? Would love to hear your take on this