I've been hearing a lot of rumors about the new level cap. Alot of people say that 61 will be the new 56, and that they are going to drastically reduce the xp it takes to get from 55 to 56. Hearing this I power levelled to 56 as fast as I could with my lvl 55 paladin. About a week, and 300 plat later, I was 56. I did this because space-time loves to reward their dedicated players when they change something that most of those people are unhappy with. Like the shield of gratitude. So I'm thinking if they do lower it, they'll probably give people already 56 some sort of vanity item right?

But is it true they'll lower it?
Has the level cap even been confirmed? ( some people are saying it's just a rumor not fact )
And does anyone else think they'll do a vanity reward/Is there any already existing information on this?