Quote Originally Posted by Permabanme View Post
I bet you are someone who has all the above and this is why the game is dieing regardless of any thing anyone wants to say let’s be honest if you don’t bring the old back in increments the game will die that has been proven time and time again these are facts what do all games have in common before they died not letting the new players have a chance to get old items I still stand on all ten toes bring back at a 1/3 ratio and only obtainable with Platinum people can say what they feel but I am stating facts also I’m put this out their I am one person that don’t care for the old or new if it don’t have any gold loot or lucky value it don’t bother me but I want to see actual new players have a chance and I’m be honest people are butt hurt so much cuz they lost the gold value on the black star and blue angel sets and I don’t think someone should have to farm gold for months just for a set they think is cool no one is looking at how long it takes to farm 10 million in gold on this game I run a good gold loot set not the best but it takes a long time to earn without flasks and I am maxed enchantments on my gear in my opinion it’s people that cry and whine about this kind of thing and it’s the reason people like you all that this game me myself and I love to play is going to be the reason it’ll die I think it’s time for most of these people to grow up myself included and start thinking about the prices you all say is fair to be honest it’s not for no one so the more I read about this I say no I am asking Cinco to bring back all the old stuff and get these prices to drop for the new players again but only able to purchase with Platinum I was neutral but no I am so over reading Cinco please don’t or Cinco I’m quite if you do in my opinion leave cuz in my eyes you don’t love the game like you say you do maybe it is time for all you old gens to leave give up and go play Arcane or Star legends I’ve made it through worse times then to read “oh no don’t” kind of things lol sounds like baby talk again great God Cinco bring the old back one last time regardless how you do it but I am ready for a change and this will put the nail in everyone’s coffin ⚰️ it would be nice to see the old toxic players leave plus Cinco look at it like this if you make it Platinum bought you will make money which is more important not bring it back and people on this game make gold off others or being able to make them Platinum bought and you make the real money while new comers get a chance to have old items I know you know how much irl cash I spend in Platinum on my main account take a look Cinco my main ign is “Trulyamadman” and that is just in this year alone I’ll put it out their I know I’ve spent close to 1k in real life money this year alone give or take and the year isn’t over with either again this is my thoughts and I am now down for the old to come back for just a short time on a 1/3 ratio like I have stated in my post on the forum I really hope Cinco you see the good I have to offer on my thoughts it’ll do the whole game a good update good day all and blessing to all
Nah bringing the old back will make the game die. I know countless people who will quit the game if they re release items like this. I do have the items i will admit, but i WORKED for them. I farmed xmas, halloween, 4th of july etc to get what i have. Everyone here could do the very same. And to give you a lil insight, this game barely sees new players and actually i dont think its possible to create a new acc but i could be wrong. This game is full of the oldie loyalist players who still support the game. I agree the game is dying but majority want to see new ideas and even some of the ideas taken out of the game (cough cough enchantments). All in all, as ive said before, grind the game and earn the rewards. Everyone wants all of it spoon fed to em on a silver platter.