I think it would be awsome if there was a pop-up at the end of your dungeon run with summary of the run that shows xp earned, # of kills, loot earned and other stuff?
I think it would be awsome if there was a pop-up at the end of your dungeon run with summary of the run that shows xp earned, # of kills, loot earned and other stuff?
Last edited by Pluto412; 06-08-2011 at 11:20 PM.
Drmeatwad(55) Int Enchantress Drsillybear(25) Str Bear Drfrylock(10) Dex Bird
Dude, this is a GREAT idea!!! Why hasn't anyone thought of this before????
Oh btw, it's summary, not summery
This is one of those simple but effective things
<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
Such a fine idea! so coooooool.
[FONT=garamond]I like Bears. Be jealous.
Drmeatwad(55) Int Enchantress Drsillybear(25) Str Bear Drfrylock(10) Dex Bird
Dungeon defenders has it...it's cool. Dmg taken,Dmg dealt, number of kills, exp earned....etc..
Run summary FTW!
Grimtigrex - "I like people who take time out of there life to help other people. Thank you!"
It's been suggested before, but I always have to go: +1!
Bring this to LIFE!
i agree with noobmigo and some other games , i also see a run summary.
PL-Mageulous, Fyscikal, Affluential, Lifetech, Foxtastic