Quote Originally Posted by Azrael View Post
I am very suprised that so many of you want to find a way to be able to spam thousands of potions by paying for them rather than wanting the game mechanics to be changed so that the game doesn't require spaming potions. Quite frankly the potion system is undermining the rpg tank and healer roles while simultaneously making the game somewhat dull at times. Potions should be on a 3 second cooldown, characters should have more health, and skills such as enchantress heal and warrior restore should play a more significant role in the game.

This game needs to make it's money off of content and not thousands of potion purchase if it wants to continue to develope into the great rpg it has the potential to be.

Agreed. Why'd anybody need a tank or a healer when they can just spam pots? Everybody can just be dps spec'd and plow through dungeons by themselves.