Quote Originally Posted by Odwren View Post

Nova is a reclusive person who makes a living finding and selling rare dragon eggs. She lives alone in a remote forest with her pet dragon. Her social circle comprises of her exclusive Dragon Enthusiasts Club.

Once a year, she hosts a gathering at her property. YOU are one of her colleagues from the Dragon Enthusiasts Club and you are invited to the party.

When you arrive at her house, you and your friends are in for a shock...


1. Form a party of 4.

2. Upon entering the premises, remain where you are.

3. Wait until the game facilitator announces that the property is open for exploration.

4. There will be 3 tiers of clues/questions that need to be solved. One unlocks the next.

5. Solving each tier comes with a prizes:
Solve 1 tier - 200k per person
Solve 2 tiers - 500k per person
Solve the mystery - 1M per person

6. You have 20minutes to solve the mystery.

7. Each individual only gets to go ONCE. If you go to the house while a mystery round is ongoing, you no longer get to participate.

8. Once you have had your turn, we earnestly ask that you do not tell other guildies who have yet to try it out what took place inside. If we suspect a leak, we will terminate the game.
It’s The butler.

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