Budy I don t have any ideea either on how to fix pvp but not gonna lie this would be one of the last changes of this game to survive cus a few mins ago i checked all low lvls pvp 1-15 nothing bruh just nothing
I saw many haters about this ideea talking without any sense guys let me tell you something pvp was the real deal back in times no pve just pvp Elite twinks The god army Ikronosdivine and many other guilds which we're on the top now they are dead just imagine the activity of those players playing for years having fun and suddenly booom everything it s gone haters may have other ideeas but tbh idc im 100% bringing low lvl pvp back to life would bring back thousands of players and I would quit pve if this **** happens cus in my opinion low lvl pvp was and it will be forever the real fun deal of this game and no one can change this ideea i play this game with big pauses between since 2014 and I know what im saying on this terms soo i would really like to see sts doing something about this game putting in youtube adds or something like that and the most important thing i would really like to see low lvl pvp back and im not the only one who thinks like this have fun reading this roman guys