Quote Originally Posted by Thegodofgreen View Post
8'( crying but meh waited this long...

BTW not all Droid users got beta.
BTW not all VERIZON Droid users got beta...

Many Verizon users on compatible devices were unable to install. I have an original Droid, which is on the supposed list of compatible devices, went through items in the forum, including attempting the links to install VCast Apps directly from Verizon, *228, several hours on the phone with Verizon "technical" support...finally went to the Verizon store and attempted to install, with the blessing of a store associate, the app on no less than 7 different Droids, before I finally got it to install on an Xperia Play so I could log in and reserve my name and tool around for a few minutes (and the phones were in demo mode so I got at best 5 minutes at a time before it reset...)

I suspect most Verizon Droid users unable to install gave up long before my stubborn behind and just assumed their device was incompatible or there was some other reason that they weren't supposed to be able to have the beta when it was just Verizon's messed up distribution...

On the plus side, I was able to score a beta key to install on my eee Transformer tablet and it is amazing and getting better by the day...

Thanks Devs for EverYtHinG!!!!