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  1. #61
    Banned Flowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lesrider View Post
    long quotes flooding page
    Lets look at it this way.
    Apple doesn't accept unfinished apps. Could this app have been submitted as a ready-to-sell app: probably, since PL was.
    Android accepts unfinished apps.
    Verizon Wireless's relatively new app store, VCast, accepts unfinished apps, does it quickly, and from what I was reading, is the current best choice for developers seeking feedback on games.

    You Apple people think you're being shafted? What about the Android users who can't play the game yet? They have the right phones...just not the right provider. STS is smart and got their game approved by the easiest and most beneficial company. By releasing a 'beta' to a smaller audience, they get more consistent bug reports opposed to thousands of people spamming about how they died and want more money or how they want to fly around on magic carpets and shoot laser beams from their eyes.

    To end my award winning argument: Could this game have been released on all markets? Yep. Would it have been buggy as all hell? Yep. We're 2 weeks in and still having problems. Was releasing the game to the easiest market first to allow a trial period to fix the game and get it running better so when everyone plays it's not crashing every 15 minutes and theres pandaemonium on the forums? You bet.

    You want to play the game all buggy? Be my guest. I'll tell you one thing, it wasn't fun having to redo the same mission 400 times in a row only to learn it was glitched and wasn't completable. Or to get force closed after the end of Dead Mans cave every single time it was played. Or to have to click on a crate until my finger tips bled because there was a glitch where only a certain spot at a certain angle during a certain month of a certain year between the hours of 11 am and 11:21 am would work to open it.

    I've submitted my fair share of bugs/glitches/suggestions/feedback these past 2 weeks. Probably could have had more fun playing PL. Stuck with the beta to better the game for you unappreciative whiny people. You wanna know how long it takes to get to lvl 20? Not very long. 21 was 4900 xp after 20. Upon release 21 will be 490 xp away. Items liquidate for 1, 2 or 3 credits and the most expensive item I've seen in the auction goes for like 4k. When the game releases and you can get items and they sell and liquidate for normal wont be hard to catch up.

    You don't hear the people complaining who start playing this game months from now. They'll come in at lvl 1 with no experience and no idea about anything. Meanwhile we're all galavanting around with tons of money and freakin cannons on our hands. Isn't that an "unfair advantage" for them, by everyone's definition of it?
    Last edited by Flowman; 07-21-2011 at 01:00 PM.

  2. #62
    Senior Member Acyer's Avatar
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    When has a beta tester asked for a reward?? I sure didn't I've seen them asking for a refund if items got wiped which they shouldn't get cause they knew it was beta. Phys was the one who started about a reward for leader boards that's all I've seen.

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  3.   Click here to go to the next Dev post in this thread.   #63
    Developer - Inactive Samhayne's Avatar
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    Hey gang,

    Please keep the discussion friendly. Forum Rules are that way if you need a refresher:

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  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flowman View Post
    Zero do you guys get offended when I call you all names in the guild chat
    I'm just so immature and I hope I didn't hurt your feelings.
    No. What I mean is, even if all your points are valid, you turn off the reader with your name calling, and that prejudices them against you, so you then don't convince them of anything, only inspire them to call you names right back. But, it's your choice. If you want to be known for your prowess at starting fights, or continuing them, then you are succeeding.

    Oh! Sorry Sam! We posted at the same time.

  5. #65
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    yay, problem solved  6901
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  6. #66
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    Why was an entire page of posts deleted? Most of it was a civilized discussion.

  7. #67
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    Its just how flow is.. no I don't get offended at all. Your argument is solid and I stand by my guild players. He may have offended someone but he didn't mean it. Its just its a touchy argument about this beta.

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    BG 2:12 Never at any time did I not exist, nor you, nor all these kings, and never shall we cease to exist.

  9. #69
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    Beta testing at it's finest.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acyer View Post
    When has a beta tester asked for a reward?? I sure didn't I've seen them asking for a refund if items got wiped which they shouldn't get cause they knew it was beta. Phys was the one who started about a reward for leader boards that's all I've seen.
    I only said it because I felt bad for being partially responsible for having the whole leaderboard-being-wiped-thing happen.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Physiologic View Post
    I only said it because I felt bad for being partially responsible for having the whole leaderboard-being-wiped-thing happen.
    na its cool bud I wasn't trying call u out or anything. Just saying where I saw anything about a reward.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samhayne View Post
    We do not have plans at this time to adjust anything further than erasing the K/D stats.
    Thanks Sam! I freaked for a second

  13. #73
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    Default wow. just wow.

    This is SAD. So now the people who have made twinks given them thousands of kills and earned respect from TONS of people and spent several 100,000 gold on their equips are now nothing more than "low boosters" and consequently nothing more than trash. I've been playing PL from last year in november till now. I never debated quitting the game...until now. Devs listen up. You have just caused (my guess is) several hundred people to quit PL. People like me who have taken forever to get serious kills who now are finished. Please, don't listen to these ppl who are simply jealous of hardcore players. Leave well enough alone. Thank You. If not, honestly, I quit.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samhayne View Post
    To present a fair playing field for everyone, we will be wiping the Leaderboards for the launch of Star Legends: The Blackstar Chronicles. This means that your kills and deaths will be reset to Zero.

    To accompany this change, we will also be changing how PvE kills are tallied. If the monster is appropriately leveled to you, or you are otherwise gaining experience from killing it, it will count toward your kills. If you disable XP or the monster is too low level to give you XP, it will not count toward your kills. Characters who are at the level cap and gain no further experience will still gain kills from monsters who are appropriately leveled against the character. For example, a level 21 character would still gain kill counts from monsters that were level 20, even though they no longer gain experience because they are at the level cap. To recap:
    • Players receive no kill count if the victim can never give xp.
    • No kill counts granted if the victim is too low level.
    • Players will receive no kill counts if they have disabled xp gain.

    To be clear, we are NOT wiping the Pocket Legends leaderboards. However, in the future, you can expect the change to not allow kill counts to accrue when XP is disabled to make its way to Pocket Legends.
    Okay Devs,
    Please listen to me when I say that disableing the kill count for disableing experience is not a good idea.
    People have been saying that "boosters should be taken out of the game" making the people who do boost sound like cheaters.
    I dont see how PVE boosting is bad. In PVP, boosting is bad because you are cheating by letting yourself or other get killed for your or the other persons benefit.
    In PVE we are not cheating for the reason that the mobs are attacking us, at the skill level that our character is at.
    I am currently working on a new main character (because my archer is getting boring to use) and i am trying to get above my archers kill count with my mage running Crush the Keeper to beat my archers score (40k kills). If this system is disabled, this wont be as simple to accomplish, and in my opinion, it will turn some people off of the game. Thats all i have to say.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMicah View Post
    This is SAD. So now the people who have made twinks given them thousands of kills and earned respect from TONS of people and spent several 100,000 gold on their equips are now nothing more than "low boosters" and consequently nothing more than trash. I've been playing PL from last year in november till now. I never debated quitting the game...until now. Devs listen up. You have just caused (my guess is) several hundred people to quit PL. People like me who have taken forever to get serious kills who now are finished. Please, don't listen to these ppl who are simply jealous of hardcore players. Leave well enough alone. Thank You. If not, honestly, I quit.
    I I hope you know they are referring to sl and not pl...
    PL characters: squishyoreos: lvl 53 Pure Dex Bird; squishyfury: lvl15 Twink
    SL characters: Life: lvl 21 mando; Regal: lvl 1 mando; Player: lvl 1 Op; Squishyoreos: lvl 1 Eng

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    Default mmhmm

    Right but the same "disabling xp" thing will be removed :,,,((((

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMicah View Post
    This is SAD. So now the people who have made twinks given them thousands of kills and earned respect from TONS of people and spent several 100,000 gold on their equips are now nothing more than "low boosters" and consequently nothing more than trash. I've been playing PL from last year in november till now. I never debated quitting the game...until now. Devs listen up. You have just caused (my guess is) several hundred people to quit PL. People like me who have taken forever to get serious kills who now are finished. Please, don't listen to these ppl who are simply jealous of hardcore players. Leave well enough alone. Thank You. If not, honestly, I quit.
    Saying that the players in the leaderboards are hardcore only justifies this move by STS more. Why?

    If these players are indeed "hardcore", then when a reset happens and kills are only gained the appropriate way, then there should be no doubt that they would still climb up the leaderboards, but the appropriate way. If they are indeed, hardcore.

  18. #78
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    Since people are so divided over the issue, how about having 2 K/D leadearboards - one for the best twinks and the other for the best regular characters? After all we have twink pvp contests, twink guilds, etc - might as well have a twink leaderboard too.

    I can see arguments both for and against the new leadearboard system. On one hand, I'm kind of glad that none of my friends will shut themselves into a room by themselves with their twink and grind kills for hours and be unable to talk to anyone while they're doing it. It doesn't lead to interesting team gameplay, which is what this game is about.

    But I'm also scared that a whole bunch of people will now start caring about their everyday deaths way too much, and get mad at their group whenever they die, or stay behind and refuse to take risks. I tend to cringe when someone who is working on some ratio joins my groups. Ratio grinding in teams doesn't make for patient and understanding team players. So I was rather glad that most players did their grinding on their twinks, in the privacy of their own dungeons, and didn't inflict their ambitions upon every random group who didn't sign up for having to take extra care to keep them alive.
    Kalielle - level 56 mage | Kaley - level 55 roundup bear | Clusterstorm - level 55 rush paladin
    Quote Originally Posted by noobmigo View Post
    Clusterstorm? Pshh, he merely leads the fastest games ever.
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  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalielle View Post
    Since people are so divided over the issue, how about having 2 K/D leadearboards - one for the best twinks and the other for the best regular characters? After all we have twink pvp contests, twink guilds, etc - might as well have a twink leaderboard too.

    I can see arguments both for and against the new leadearboard system. On one hand, I'm kind of glad that none of my friends will shut themselves into a room by themselves with their twink and grind kills for hours and be unable to talk to anyone while they're doing it. It doesn't lead to interesting team gameplay, which is what this game is about.

    But I'm also scared that a whole bunch of people will now start caring about their everyday deaths way too much, and get mad at their group whenever they die, or stay behind and refuse to take risks. I tend to cringe when someone who is working on some ratio joins my groups. Ratio grinding in teams doesn't make for patient and understanding team players. So I was rather glad that most players did their grinding on their twinks, in the privacy of their own dungeons, and didn't inflict their ambitions upon every random group who didn't sign up for having to take extra care to keep them alive.
    That makes much more sense!

    One Leaderboard for max level, currently 55/56, but it wipes when 60/61 implements?

    Then one Leaderboard for anything below max level.

    Just ideas, putting them out there.

  20. #80
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    Why would you want it to wipe every time the level cap is raised? That doesn't make sense.

    Also, talking SL, not PL here.


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