Jewel Thief's Mojo Bow-bow is nice--lvl 20, 28-37 damage, 7 dex, 4% Hit, 2% Crit, 1 H/s, 1 M/s, 4 armor. It'll last you for a while--I used mine on a baby bird until I hit 29 and am using a green item LE bow (Killers Frozen Bow) now at 29. Mojo is currently running about 13.5K in the CS. But as Darkfader pointed out--you're going to be leveling fast and most of the gear in the lower levels isn't going to be a huge help for very long. I second his advice on Shivering, except I prefer a regular Shivering bow (but I'm weird like that. ) Last time, Shivering gear lasted me from lvl 30 to about lvl 41.