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  1. #41
    Luminary Poster Encryptions's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatD View Post
    Problem is if its useful at 81, price will not be 2m anymore!
    It will rise but if those lv 81 weps are more op then ppl will go for the lv 81 weps, but do add more of the older weps to keep the prices low if this was to happen.

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  2. #42
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    Its strange to see all those players who are saying its a gud change are mostly inactive ones or just run timed dungeons.
    I dnt meant to attack anyone personally but its a fact.
    Whoever thinks stacking procs didnt mean creativity and skill, shud come out of coma and see what some wars are using in elite maps. Its not just about axe,doz aegis and glint anymore. I used 6 different wep in different settings and sequence in different events and it was fun to experience.
    As for war nvr complaining last 2 years, may i remind u guys it was us who created and supported the post for nerfing Meph / Stacking Damage Reduction. It -was in favor of the wars but we all supported this bcuz it affected gameplay.
    And most importantly, you are entitled to have your opinion, that doesn’t mean you are right.
    I just gave up on lvling at 79 just bcuz it was too one dimensional for me and if all we did was mash buttons before, we sure as hell are mashing a lot more buttons now but sadly with little impact on mobs and bosses.
    If studio has decided to take the pace out of our runs, there better be some well considered revamp for this wep sys or this game will surely feel the effect of decreasing interest from players.

  3. #43
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    I found gear hot swapping to make the game much more fun and made combat feel more dynamic. It sort of added this fps-like quality to it with swapping weapons depending on the situation and allowed weapons to synergize with each other. Gameplay now feels much slower and not as dynamic. While the nerf to procs feels painful, I do understand why it had to be done. Maybe in the future a dedicated swapping mechanic outside of hotbars can be explored to bring back some of that dynamism to combat?
    Last edited by Kaziscate; 09-16-2021 at 05:56 PM.

  4. #44
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    Just an observation: Its funny how there is one person (No name mentioned)... that always seems to be the common denominator of all rude comments & cause of all chaos in every single thread of this forum. I bet any amount of gold that this person reveal's themselves by quoting me and then posting yet another rude comment. watch and see.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Encryptions View Post
    1. Cinco your game is limiting everyone to 1 class 1 weapon the same gear same this and that. It is no fun removing the proc system, the proc stack system was what made AL fun when it was introduced back in 2019. We had to sit there and learn what goes with what until we mastered it and once we mastered it we got better and better it was super fun when proc combos got added. Pve was a whole new game changer it was faster paced and my point here is that theres 2 types of fast paced games.
    Path of Exile vs AL. AL you can not dodge attacks, without damage you are stuck not even moving around just spamming skills until 1 mob is dead not fun vs with proc combos speed kill running maps which is fun. Path of Exile you go deeply into player build when fighting a boss you are teleporting around the map moving at all times; constantly thinking while your adrenaline is rushing hoping you don't die in that 20min boss fight. Potofgreed showed me a PoE boss fight its intense.
    Fix your weapons nerf them boost other weapons so they are freely used allow proc combos.

    2. You have all of these arcane and mythic weapons from old expansions that nobody uses because they suck so those weapons become dust. Revamp these weapons to be useful in any level and bring them back into the game. Everyone says they care about new players, but disabling proc stacking and making it where 1 weapon is only usable aka lv 86 arcane as the most op. That 1 weapon will be so expensive that little to no one will have it. Bringing back old weapons and making them more op allows for more diverse game play and a more open weapon market to those new players.

    3. Cinco. You have 407 pets in AL! Four hundred and seven pets. Thats a huge quantity to choose from but whats not a huge quantity is the amount of pets that are actually used by players which is around 5% of that 407. You pay real money to your art team to design these pets you then take them put them into your game with bad stats and aa so no one uses them. They exist to rot in the stable, one of the first arcane pets named Nekro is still favored and used by many players to this day so why not the weapons?

    4. If you release swamp temple with everyone using the same gears then there is no big point difference; everyone will have very close less than 1000 point differences. All of your leaderboards are now back to rogues only, Evg, Hydra, Orrick, Planar, Etc.

    5. Vote system, add a vote system in AL for future plans; whats more accurate than asking your players on what they want? Nothing is, your community wants your game to be successful but they can't do that if what the devs do hurts them and never ask them for their option. Arcanite fields had only 300~ people vote when you have thousands of players on the game. Let people lv 76+ vote so there isn't a monarchy.

    6. Let your player community help you with stuff, there are a lot of people who dissect this game and learn as much as possible and many of those people if you gave them the chance would go out and freely help you with improving the game at no cost of any type of rewards.

    Remember when evg first came out with a solo lb and we all said theres no way a war can solo past wave 5 then now we got wars with 1m+ pts wave 50+. We couldn't even pass wave 25 as a 4 person group when it came out. Its fun to learn stuff and figure out things on your own.
    There is a lot to change in AL, gears, pets, store, economy, game play, and more.

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    Bro this is so true. Like if wars are too “op” then why not regulate the class with this new Lvl 81. Like make rogues procs a little more op and as well for mage and for wars well maybe not something very op but I don’t see what’s the purpose of completely banishing procs. Literally makes every weapon useless. It’s such a huge huge change and well it should probably be reduced down to 2-3 weapons. I hope devs hears us out

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  6. #46
    Forum Adept Xtremez's Avatar
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    New "plans" right now by the devs might be out in the months to follow. We may be able to at least hope for some changes favoring wars again, or all classes equitably. Best that we could hope for as wars right now, but better than being hopeless, I guess. I too ran lb's in temple and evg as a war and while this really took a great hit in our playstyle, maybe let's give them the benefit of the doubt. If new procs are not just some copy-paste stuff, it might be setting us up for something in the next chapter of the game, just understanding that while all those aren't out yet, we need to contend with what will be left for wars to do.

  7. #47
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    There was tow way to move forward new level , to make new gears looks better than old one

    First way easy way remove the power of old gears and many games already do that , its easy and works but the problem with this way it destroys some thing good that players have to provide some thing good make player need to have .( that how it works to make game economic keep working )

    Second way and its very hard one , that to creat some thing much better than the old one .

    games can not keep making unlimited of betters , at one level they will stop ,, because it will look like there is no better !! special when this better is level 76 arcane gears ! Very hard to beat that system gears , maybe make higher proc gear! , but that also will make the game not funny because players wait for the changes and that wont reach their desire ! So i believe sts had this challenge and they need corrective step .

    The problem with the stacking proc it took the game to different , the challenge is big
    Last edited by Teoekeri; 09-17-2021 at 05:12 AM.

  8. #48
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    It is a challenge for the devs team to keep this game entertaining and worth to play anyway. Its a miracle that this game still survive up until now tho, imo its because their unique " proc stacking " gameplay style but now thats their gone, it will just become a bland game that ended up being abandoned by players.

    My question is why they even think to remove that signature gameplay in the first place and now if this game got no uniqueness, people will just simply pass and move to other games.

    After i try the expan and those new adjustments, now whats left is nonsense clicking with no dynamics in those run. Even if the mobs is hard, i dont even felt challenged and got bored in no time :/

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  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abebiabeso View Post
    It is a challenge for the devs team to keep this game entertaining and worth to play anyway. Its a miracle that this game still survive up until now tho, imo its because their unique " proc stacking " gameplay style but now thats their gone, it will just become a bland game that ended up being abandoned by players.

    My question is why they even think to remove that signature gameplay in the first place and now if this game got no uniqueness, people will just simply pass and move to other games.

    After i try the expan and those new adjustments, now whats left is nonsense clicking with no dynamics in those run. Even if the mobs is hard, i dont even felt challenged and got bored in no time :/

    Sent from my CPH2113 using Tapatalk
    The proc stacking was not intended to be, in our recent caps without proc stacking we were fine. The thing is proc stacking is an exploit that benefit mostly the warriors dominating the pve areas and you guys are normalizing it as if its fine. Proc stacking was long needed to be addressed and thankfully it is. It is time for the old gears to retire, it is a logic to use the current cap gears.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abebiabeso View Post
    It is a challenge for the devs team to keep this game entertaining and worth to play anyway. Its a miracle that this game still survive up until now tho, imo its because their unique " proc stacking " gameplay style but now thats their gone, it will just become a bland game that ended up being abandoned by players.

    My question is why they even think to remove that signature gameplay in the first place and now if this game got no uniqueness, people will just simply pass and move to other games.

    After i try the expan and those new adjustments, now whats left is nonsense clicking with no dynamics in those run. Even if the mobs is hard, i dont even felt challenged and got bored in no time :/

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    Well put..but it's useless arguing with them sadly..they don't understand any logic.

  11. #51
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    If it was meant to be an exploit, it should be removed immediately after they relized about it. But now, after we all have been used to it, its a fault to removed it without concerns.
    I hv been playing this game since 2013 where theres no that such thing as proc stacking.

    I would say that the game really become interesting after those proc stacking stuffs comes out, the game becomes more dynamic and i guess AL is the only one having these brilliant gameplay.
    I feel upset that they removed it and said that it was an exploit, while imo those gameplay was the only thing that attached me to this game.

    You know it is oddly satisfying, when war pulls out a combo with glint, the explosion was nvm its gone now🥲

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  12. #52
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    I do miss blowing up mobs but we can still use those weapons. I tb to pull and switch to axe or skull aegis. Proc ebon and switch to axe. Procs don't stack but your still reflecting damage while dealing damage with axe. I have been experimenting and while it's not the same we still options. It's not the end of the world that we can't nuke everything right away.

    Again I don't get why people act like wars being op was bad for the other classes. It's ridiculous how people get toxic like it was horrible for them that wars did all the work in evg while they collect gold behind a wall. I mean, seriously what was the bad thing for all of you other classes? Bored watching someone else move a million miles an hour switching and procing gear while you get rich for hours? Because we dominate one event out of all the others? Jealous and vile over 1 event and one map we help you in? Everyone acts like only one player looted gold in evg and it was the war that's doing all the work. From what I remember it was everyone afk behind the wall that looted gold too. I understand rogues where not invited because mages and wars are an easier pt and that wasn't a good thing. However, now that wars can't nuke the mobs what are you going to do? Is a rogue going to clear now? Because if I can sit behind the wall and collect gold I will go back to farming evg even if it is nerfed.

    For all you negative toxic people that are happy to see wars lose hundreds of millions in gold and complain grow up and at least pretend your an adult. If it happened to you every single one of you would be unhappy to. Don't pretend you wouldn't complain if this same exact thing happened to your class. So yes, people are over reacting but they have every right to. Some people will get disheartened and quit over all that time and effort and money lost. Your pathetic if you can't have a little empathy for them. Want to see who is actually toxic in the community? It's not the people that feel wronged by a huge change it's all of you that are enjoying their pain. Glad I already know which people you are so I can avoid you in game.

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  14. #53
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    The changes really hurt players who support this game with their own money. Imagine farming/grinding daily and spending real money to obtain an item just to be ruined by sudden changes without warning the player base beforehand. This has been a trend lately where STS will release content just to nerf it in the future once we've spent real money to get it.

    Furthermore, the hidden nerfs that are not mentioned in the patch notes are a scummy move on STS part. I'm not sure why players aren't complaining about this. Well, maybe because if they do voice out their opinion, their posts get deleted immediately out of existence.

    I personally feel cheated. So why bother to support this game at this point?
    Last edited by Zevileinstein; 09-17-2021 at 08:32 PM.

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  16. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    I do miss blowing up mobs but we can still use those weapons. I tb to pull and switch to axe or skull aegis. Proc ebon and switch to axe. Procs don't stack but your still reflecting damage while dealing damage with axe. I have been experimenting and while it's not the same we still options. It's not the end of the world that we can't nuke everything right away.

    Again I don't get why people act like wars being op was bad for the other classes. It's ridiculous how people get toxic like it was horrible for them that wars did all the work in evg while they collect gold behind a wall. I mean, seriously what was the bad thing for all of you other classes? Bored watching someone else move a million miles an hour switching and procing gear while you get rich for hours? Because we dominate one event out of all the others? Jealous and vile over 1 event and one map we help you in? Everyone acts like only one player looted gold in evg and it was the war that's doing all the work. From what I remember it was everyone afk behind the wall that looted gold too. I understand rogues where not invited because mages and wars are an easier pt and that wasn't a good thing. However, now that wars can't nuke the mobs what are you going to do? Is a rogue going to clear now? Because if I can sit behind the wall and collect gold I will go back to farming evg even if it is nerfed.

    For all you negative toxic people that are happy to see wars lose hundreds of millions in gold and complain grow up and at least pretend your an adult. If it happened to you every single one of you would be unhappy to. Don't pretend you wouldn't complain if this same exact thing happened to your class. So yes, people are over reacting but they have every right to. Some people will get disheartened and quit over all that time and effort and money lost. Your pathetic if you can't have a little empathy for them. Want to see who is actually toxic in the community? It's not the people that feel wronged by a huge change it's all of you that are enjoying their pain. Glad I already know which people you are so I can avoid you in game.
    the thing is evg would not be the main concern in this current cap gold loots are to be nerfed, we are going back to lvl 41 cap era style where players are grinding items from bosses not golds so the proc switching would be irrelevant in this current cap.

  17. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by pfizer View Post
    the thing is evg would not be the main concern in this current cap gold loots are to be nerfed, we are going back to lvl 41 cap era style where players are grinding items from bosses not golds so the proc switching would be irrelevant in this current cap.
    Soloing one of the new maps as a war takes well over 40 minutes to do. Can't join a map without people leaving because Im a war.

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    Quote Originally Posted by capeo View Post
    I do miss blowing up mobs but we can still use those weapons. I tb to pull and switch to axe or skull aegis. Proc ebon and switch to axe. Procs don't stack but your still reflecting damage while dealing damage with axe. I have been experimenting and while it's not the same we still options. It's not the end of the world that we can't nuke everything right away.

    Again I don't get why people act like wars being op was bad for the other classes. It's ridiculous how people get toxic like it was horrible for them that wars did all the work in evg while they collect gold behind a wall. I mean, seriously what was the bad thing for all of you other classes? Bored watching someone else move a million miles an hour switching and procing gear while you get rich for hours? Because we dominate one event out of all the others? Jealous and vile over 1 event and one map we help you in? Everyone acts like only one player looted gold in evg and it was the war that's doing all the work. From what I remember it was everyone afk behind the wall that looted gold too. I understand rogues where not invited because mages and wars are an easier pt and that wasn't a good thing. However, now that wars can't nuke the mobs what are you going to do? Is a rogue going to clear now? Because if I can sit behind the wall and collect gold I will go back to farming evg even if it is nerfed.

    For all you negative toxic people that are happy to see wars lose hundreds of millions in gold and complain grow up and at least pretend your an adult. If it happened to you every single one of you would be unhappy to. Don't pretend you wouldn't complain if this same exact thing happened to your class. So yes, people are over reacting but they have every right to. Some people will get disheartened and quit over all that time and effort and money lost. Your pathetic if you can't have a little empathy for them. Want to see who is actually toxic in the community? It's not the people that feel wronged by a huge change it's all of you that are enjoying their pain. Glad I already know which people you are so I can avoid you in game.
    Very well said indeed. Atleast if sts was making such a game changing update they should have informed atleast a month before rather than out of the blue. The most annoying thing however are seeing some people mocking the players who invested time and money into gears just for them to get nerfed like you mentioned.

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    Quote Originally Posted by worshipped View Post
    Very well said indeed. Atleast if sts was making such a game changing update they should have informed atleast a month before rather than out of the blue. The most annoying thing however are seeing some people mocking the players who invested time and money into gears just for them to get nerfed like you mentioned.

    Sent from my Redmi 6 Pro using Tapatalk
    I know right? They do not know that the reason why they play this game for free is because of paying customers. Money is what keeps this game pushing out content, but these changes are getting out of hand that I am considering probably quitting if this keeps up.

    Sudden changes like these really hurt us paying customers whenever we invest our time and money into equipment or the game in general and then that gets changed out of nowhere without any notice/warning (esp the hidden nerf BS that STS likes to do without telling their player-base).

    Give us some sort of compensation at least. Instead, they give us 25% plat discount expecting us to pay more for this joke. And the fact that the alternatives for these changes are only accessible through locks is absurd. Like, you want to make the game easy? Here roll for more random unguaranteed awakes and unguaranteed gambling weapon rolls on locks to help your clear the content of the game easier.
    Last edited by Zevileinstein; 09-17-2021 at 11:07 PM.

  21. #58
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    I'm extremely happy zeferoth quit..he spent 1000's of $ one of their major paid player has quit..makes me feel gooooooooooood.
    Good for him too to save money and use it elsewhere more productively

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    Quote Originally Posted by Encryptions View Post
    1. Cinco your game is limiting everyone to 1 class 1 weapon the same gear same this and that. It is no fun removing the proc system, the proc stack system was what made AL fun when it was introduced back in 2019. We had to sit there and learn what goes with what until we mastered it and once we mastered it we got better and better it was super fun when proc combos got added. Pve was a whole new game changer it was faster paced and my point here is that theres 2 types of fast paced games.
    Path of Exile vs AL. AL you can not dodge attacks, without damage you are stuck not even moving around just spamming skills until 1 mob is dead not fun vs with proc combos speed kill running maps which is fun. Path of Exile you go deeply into player build when fighting a boss you are teleporting around the map moving at all times; constantly thinking while your adrenaline is rushing hoping you don't die in that 20min boss fight. Potofgreed showed me a PoE boss fight its intense.
    Fix your weapons nerf them boost other weapons so they are freely used allow proc combos.

    2. You have all of these arcane and mythic weapons from old expansions that nobody uses because they suck so those weapons become dust. Revamp these weapons to be useful in any level and bring them back into the game. Everyone says they care about new players, but disabling proc stacking and making it where 1 weapon is only usable aka lv 86 arcane as the most op. That 1 weapon will be so expensive that little to no one will have it. Bringing back old weapons and making them more op allows for more diverse game play and a more open weapon market to those new players.

    3. Cinco. You have 407 pets in AL! Four hundred and seven pets. Thats a huge quantity to choose from but whats not a huge quantity is the amount of pets that are actually used by players which is around 5% of that 407. You pay real money to your art team to design these pets you then take them put them into your game with bad stats and aa so no one uses them. They exist to rot in the stable, one of the first arcane pets named Nekro is still favored and used by many players to this day so why not the weapons?

    4. If you release swamp temple with everyone using the same gears then there is no big point difference; everyone will have very close less than 1000 point differences. All of your leaderboards are now back to rogues only, Evg, Hydra, Orrick, Planar, Etc.

    5. Vote system, add a vote system in AL for future plans; whats more accurate than asking your players on what they want? Nothing is, your community wants your game to be successful but they can't do that if what the devs do hurts them and never ask them for their option. Arcanite fields had only 300~ people vote when you have thousands of players on the game. Let people lv 76+ vote so there isn't a monarchy.

    6. Let your player community help you with stuff, there are a lot of people who dissect this game and learn as much as possible and many of those people if you gave them the chance would go out and freely help you with improving the game at no cost of any type of rewards.

    Remember when evg first came out with a solo lb and we all said theres no way a war can solo past wave 5 then now we got wars with 1m+ pts wave 50+. We couldn't even pass wave 25 as a 4 person group when it came out. Its fun to learn stuff and figure out things on your own.
    There is a lot to change in AL, gears, pets, store, economy, game play, and more.

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    + 100%

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zevileinstein View Post
    The changes really hurt players who support this game with their own money. Imagine farming/grinding daily and spending real money to obtain an item just to be ruined by sudden changes without warning the player base beforehand. This has been a trend lately where STS will release content just to nerf it in the future once we've spent real money to get it.

    Furthermore, the hidden nerfs that are not mentioned in the patch notes are a scummy move on STS part. I'm not sure why players aren't complaining about this. Well, maybe because if they do voice out their opinion, their posts get deleted immediately out of existence.

    I personally feel cheated. So why bother to support this game at this point?
    True :'(

    Sent from my RMX2040 using Tapatalk

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