EVOLT, as a fellow merchant/trader, I would like to say job well done. A few things I would like to reinforce.

1. Do not be afraid to buy: I think this is one that gets most people. Yes u do have to know prices in order to know when the time and price are right, but if they are, BUY! and as EVOLT said, buy them all.

1a. (I would like to add) Be aware of how long it will take to sell: I believe this is something that many inexperienced traders overlook. Just because an item may be ultra rare and just because it may be worth a pretty penny does not mean it will sell right away. I have a rule, if I do not feel I can make 25% and sell within a week, then I will not purchase (the sell within a week is just as important as making 25%). The longer an item sits in inventory the less ur actual real rate of return is. I would much rather buy 10 voodoo dolls at 500k (50k apiece) and turn them over ten times making 15k a sale in a week doing this 4 x a month (600k total profit minus listing fees) then buy one green ice item for 500k and have to sit on it a month selling at 750k. Yes I make more on the green ice but once u factor in the time in inventory, the profit is not so great.

2. Keep track of your true item cost: If u use CS as a way to sell, you will need to keep in mind it will cost u quite a bit to list each item. I currently have approximately 250 CS slots. It can cost me as much as 300k just to list all 250 of my items. Each time an item listed does not sell I have now increased my cost of that item by the listing fee price. Do this a few times and your profit is gone.

3. Follow EVOLT's advise and give back: one of the best things about being as successful merchant is your ability to help others. Yes, all the begging does get frustrating at times and you do feel singled out once you've been dubbed a successful trader (hard not to be, people see the items u have), but it is very rewarding to be able to help the deserving players that really are appreciative. At this point, I only keep an adequate supply of gold to allow for continued merchanting and give away anything above that on a weekly basis.

Finally, as a former successful hedge fund manager (think stock, bond and commodity trading on a large scale for those who don't know what that is) I can tell any of you who may have an interest in getting into some sort of business some day that becoming a PL/SL merchant/trader (successful) and learning the ends and outs of the game the way EVOLT has can only help prepare you for what's to come in your true life business affairs. There is definitely true life application that I believe any good business man or women could appreciate.

Again thanks EVOLT for a very good guide!

Dopeydaddy - lvl 56 arch
Lucilulu - lvl 56 Mage

Main Traders: dopesback, dopesscndtake