I kinda agree but not completely…

Hmmm idk man. Im a plat buyer too and also work many hours. However I had to make time to run my lbs…it wasn’t easy at all! I know lb runner who had to take two weeks off work to run it. Thats just how the game lb mechanic works just cuz u spend plats doesnt mean u get to shortcut the badge. I understand you want to look “cool” too but some people just made sacrifices and busted their asses for their lb vanities/badges :/

Ofc someone might argue that not all badges are hard to get, like the easier seasonal or hauntlet badges. But these badges are exclusive to your character and dont just disappeared after the season is over.

Something more appropriate would be a backpack vanity, like when they did the gold shield back vanity for the older players. I see that being very possible!

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