Quote Originally Posted by Dispressor View Post
Rogue weapons are a bit uneffective but the class as always provide a good amount of dmg.
so with a buff on the proc rate it will be great.
War weapons are good because the class don't have good dmg until the proc starts.
In my options I'll reduce a bit the dmg anyway because at the moment u can kill lvl 81 boss dungeon with few shots on proc.

The real problem are mage gears.

The Gun can easily remove 75%-100% lifebar of any boss in one hit. (rahabkor included)
To get an idea the damage Is way higher than the shield and the sword.

The staff on the other side have absolutely no sense.
Dmg buff destroy in an instant everything (1 proc combined with skills is enough to kill rahabkor) and also the buff of defense makes u indestructible.

So I kindly ask a nerf for mage weapons. And consider that I'm a mage.
I'm tired of rogues not being able to do their jobs in damage, while tanks and mages who are supposed to be support can go and 1 hit bosses. Wtf am I a rogue for?

And b4 all the mages and tanks come for me..it isnt easy to switch character with the cost of al economy.

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