@cinco are you planning to follow the previous schedule for the release of expansions (1 expansion per year)?

If you intend to release a full set of Arcane items as well as follow the expansion release schedule and considering zodias expansion was released on September and arcane items won't be coming until "a nice long while", I'm worried that arcanes won't release until 3-4 months are left for the new expansion to air.

There's Elite mode and new aps as well to be released yet and I understand you must be focusing on that content as it would have a big impact on the game itself by making players either log more since the content is enjoyable and worth to run, or log even less since the content is dull and not worth to run.

A thread that explains what's the plan to follow up towards the game developing would be much appreciated, this can give players an idea what to do with their assets, what to focus their time in game on, etc.