Quote Originally Posted by Absolize View Post
Hello Players & Developers

I have really been enjoying low level (twink) PvP for the most part. Unfortunately, there always has to be players that ruin the fun of original and classic Twink PvP. These players use elite items such as QTR weapons, Halloween gear, Valentine gear, 77 elites & so on. Prime examples of where this is a problem is 71, 76 & 77 PvP. I do not want to see these levels die so I would like to see if developers can remove elites from low level PvP or nerf them to where they do not provide a competitive advantage. Another suggestion I have regarding the “up-level” issue when players for example will bring a L76 toon to overpower a L71 toon, instead of PvP games allowing players 5 levels higher to join the lobbies, change that to 2-3 levels higher. This will be a simple solution to where people can’t get an advantage by bringing a much more powerful toon.

Note: I am not suggesting to nerf 76 elites! They are balanced and can stay as is, in my personal opinion. The main course of the problem is Holiday Items, QTR Stat Guns & 77 Elites.

In conclusion:

- Nerf Elites in PvP to where they are practically useless.
- Instead of allowing players 5 levels higher join lower level games, decrease that to 2-3 levels higher maximum.

These two simple suggestions will make a world of a difference to the Twink PvP community, I know many players are also on board with these suggestions to avoid players trying to overpower them with higher level weapons/toons. I do hope the developers can make these suggestions happen.

Thank you for your time!
Agree with this too but i still want to fight 76s with 71s