Quote Originally Posted by Cascade View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Justg:376830
We're not going to wipe anything. This was a tough day for everyone, but it is what it is.

We've done the best we can, we still love you and will continue to pour our hearts into our games for you.

Thank you for keeping the flames down, we are actively extinguishing them (and their propagators).
I appreciate you guys i really do...You guys handled this situation well even though it doesnt seem like it, it really was the best option i admire you guys for your maturity and your...AWESOME CUSTOMER SERVICE! I dont care what everyone else is saying i still think you guys are great ! Spreeaadd thheeee lovveeee people!
I agree with cas on this somethings are just out of their hands and if it's this crazy here imagine the reaction when they first got the news. Hopefully when morning comes around and the initial shock settles we will get more answers