Quote Originally Posted by CanonicalKoi View Post
I give you....The Mackerel of Greater Thwackage +5

This can be used as a STR weapon, but may I suggest a new weapon type? This is actually designed for use on your own team members. Mages, somebody says, "REZZ ME NAOW!!!" 30 seconds *after* you hit rez? Thwack 'em. Bears, tired of mages or birds that run ahead and pull stuff back on the rest of the team? Thwack 'em. Birds...well you know who and why and now you know what to do--thwack 'em!

And remember: the Mackerel of Greater Thwackage +5 makes a swell gift! Can also be used in recreating the "Fish Slapping Dance" (for any Monty Python fans present).

(Yeah, obviously not meant as an actual entry, but the thought of smacking team members some days with a mackerel....just too good to pass up.) Best of luck to the actual entries.
haha i like!

ok i have an actual entry

In-Game Name: Eznite

Weapon Name: Lightning Bolt Talon

Weapon Class: Dex

Submission Number: 2

Description of your chosen design: I just thought it would be cool to have a lightning bolt talon
imagine the costumes that this would fit into haha

What Region of Alterra it came from: I was thinking it could be a lvl 10 pink drop from silknight (i think thats the witch's name) since she always electrocutes anyone who stays in the water =]